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My journey of last trimester (ECV)

Hi assalammualaikum to all of you. Today I macam rajin sikit nak update blog yang dah lama bersawang ni ha. Alhamdullilah sekarang I dah 37 weeks almost 38 weeks. Actually a lot things happen to me during my pregnancy. Its not easy but is not that hard, i can called that suam-suam. Sometimes thing get harder than I thought but eventually is getting easier. Idk how to explain, but Alhamdullilah I can get thru this till the end! Cause imma excited to see my baby on next week. You must be wondering why do I know when my baby gonna pop out kan? Okay macamni cerita dia, I do scan my baby every month cause I wanna see my baby development, how's his doing inside, everything good or not, my placenta in good position or not, my air ketuban enough or not. So during my 31 weeks of pregnant I do scan and the doc say "Puan, sorry to say this but your baby's head is on the top but nvm you still got time to turn the baby's head. And we called this breech " So balik r...
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   Hi my blog! Been missing you so much! I miss to updating my blog since im not very I active on this sides I guess. But wte, Alhamdullilah, im officially married to my forever. Its the one who complete my life and been watching my stupid move since 2012 hahaha his name is Mohd Amirul Azman Bin Md Yusof yeah still the one who i always mad to. On 7th April 2012, this is the date that I starting to know him. On 7th October 2018, I been married to the same guy, alhamdullilah syukur! I couldn't ask for more! My life is blessing! Alhamdullilah sekarang aku tengah pregnant, yet still dalam 1 trimester. Aku makan memang untuk dua orang, aku dah kira, setiap 4 atau 5 jam aku akan lapar balik. serious aku cakap. balik kerja aku penat sangat, macam aku keja tuh buat rumah. padahal kerja aku duduk je weh. takde pulak aku kena bergerak banyak. and the worst is, aku tak boleh drive and masuk dalam kerja. mesti aku nak muntah. bangun pagi muntah. celik je mata, aku lapa...

Wedding? Let's keep count :)

Hi Assalammualaikum my dearest reader, how are you?  Everything goes on okay? Well, I'm still counting to achive what I want. Little bit too late but who know's Allah plan is better, right? :> Been awhile I'm not posting anything here. This year is awesome to me! Alot of surprise happen to me this lately. I got a good news to you, I'm engaged already! What a suprise kan? But that one is just a simple party for family member's only. I dont any picture of proper sarung cincin ke apa ke, tapi dekat depan kedai ada. Oh lupa nak bagithu, I kena risik cara western hahah dekat kedai makan je. But still tak complain ke apa, that is better. Taknak susahkan dua-dua pihat :') Bersyukur, Alhamdullilah still orang yang sama. Orang yang sama tengok sakit jiwa aku, tengok air liur meleleh, sengeh kerang busuk semua still orang yang sama. Hopefully, till we grow old together kan sayang? Take a long ride together, 5 years togther (2012 - Now). Alha...

Landing time.

Assalammualaikum everyone.  Day by day, month by month but why everything is like so dull to me? I can see you loud and clear, really clear. But hm not ready to married yet. The biggest problem is I cant control myself to be gentle as a lady-like (just so you know) I'm like a boy who are confused leaving in my own body, can you get it? I dont know how to say. For short and clear, I'm like a boy and you are my girlfriend. Ha macamtuh lah! Its not like, you not enough gentle, sweet, romantic all these thing but the problem is me. im not ready yet. Kalau dulu iyelah masa time study, time tuh tak cukup kenal dunia. Sekarang pun tak cukup lagi tapi suku dari tuh aku rasa belum ready. Muah kit yang, esok lusa jumpa dekat pelamin okay?  


                                      Hi my babies stalker, since now I dont have work to do so I just login to my blog and I found something. She ask me to read her blog hahahhah sweet sikit lah. Sikit je lah. Sorry sebab benda tuh tak plan pun dan dan je terbawak pi makan. Ingatkan nak buat surprise rupanya kita yang ter-surprise sebab taktahu dia balik. Agak jimbit sikit lah. Hahaha Tak lama nak dapat something dari Amir. Aku taktahu lah dia sembang ke apa ke, tunggu je lah. Hopefully, dapat lah. Ahaha, Tapi aku bagi hadiah dia lambat sikit, And kalau kau ada niat lebih nak hadiah kan aku ke, beli kan lah apa apa lagi. Belikan aku tudung sedozen ke, untuk setahun terus ke, untuk raya sekali ke haa baru sayang nama dia hahah takde lah aku gurau je lah. Aku nak satu je yang aku cakap dekat kau. And kau jangan risau aku bagi kau hadiah palimg best, sebab kau dah lama mintak ...

Now on the inside it feels like I’m dying

Betul orang cakap kita hidup macam roda. Kejap atas, kejap bawah. Kejap happy kejap sedih. Tapi kita lupa masa dekat atas kita buat apa dekat orang. Mana nak sedar kalau dekat atas. Yela, happy kan. Aku pun happy jugak kalau aku dekat atas. Bukan 'kalau' aku memang happy and aku lupa pasal perasaan orang. Tapi 'karma' semua tuh atas tangan tuhan, bila, kat mana, dengan siapa and pukul berapa? Semua Tuhan je tahu tau. Tapi masalah nye, kenapa ada jugak manusia dalam dunia ni failed dalam jaga hati? Kenapa mesti ada perangai seindah selfish? Kenapa tak pernah nak bawak berubah? Kenapa? Kenapa membawahan umur tak setaraf dengan perangai yang durjana? Kenapa nak menjahanamkan hati dan otak orang lain sebab perangai orang lain? Tolong lah otak tuh berfikir sikit. Tolong lah gunkan otak demi membangunan salsiah hidup masyarakat global. Jangan sebab perangai kau sorang, orang lain nak rasa bunuh diri. Takde rasa kesian sebab seksa orang ke? Takpernah terpikir ke psycho ...

Another step, insyaAllah

Hi assalammualaikum my silent readers, its been awhile im not posting anything here so feeling little touched when im login into my own account. Oh God, been missing this sound of fast of typing and joy story about my life even not that joy pun. Anyway, this is gonna be a very big step in my life. I need to changed my minded, to be more mature and nak amalkan "pi mampus" punya perangai. I dont need those yang hypocrite, depan baik, belakang kutuk kaw-kaw, i do highlight those name pun. I will remember that "too". Alhamdullilah, this year be with same person again. But this year, im in love with Kang Gary so deeply. Idk why. I love the way his gentle goes to Ji hyo. Program We Got Married should be Ji hyo and Gary :(  My boyfriend say, im crazy over Gary hahahaha Idc :p  Pray for me, make this year more precious for me :)