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Showing posts from August, 2012

Happy birthday to me!

Assalammualaikum my dearest readers! 'Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to Ejaa! Happy birthday to me!'  *tiup lilin* Well, This year is the "great" birthday ever. Everyone busy beraya and birthday saya terpinggir di planet Pluto :'( Apa pun, thanks sebab wish! Thanks guys! :*

Special edisition for this year. :')

Assalammualaikum dear silent reader's. Hello, I'm not in Raya mood, actually. But never mind, lambat laut datang jugak lah tuh. Mama, im sorry for all my wrong doing. Im sorry for being rude ke apa ke. Mintak maaf. Tak sengaje. Terima kasih sebab besaran Kak Eja walau Kak Eja ni ngade-ngade. Sorry sebab gaduh lelame ke apa ke. Minta maaf, minta ampun. Sorry sebab tak jadi anak yang bagus. Tapi, satu hari nanti orang tunjuk yang orang mampu. Thanks sebab dapat terima Kak Eja cam mana. Sangat bersyukur dapat mak yang macam mama sebab tahu Kak Eja ada boyfriend and always reminding me, " doesn't meant your boyfriend is your husband in future. But, as long you love him, always pray for him, okay? " Hmm Thanks mummy! Kak Eja balas apa mama bagi selama ni. Jasa mu kenang selama lama lama lama lama lama lamanya! I love Pn.Zuraidah :* Hi Encik Hassan! Disini saya Norijah Bt Hassan meminta maaf dari hujang rambut sampi ke hujung kaki. Mintak ampun pa. Thanks seba...

Happy Eid MUbarak uoll! :'D

Assalammualaikum and Hi :D Happy Eid to all Muslim and Muslimat. I hope this Syawal will bring prosperity in our life. I feel sad because Ramadhan is about few more days and I didn't feel the real "fast" like I did before. I mean like the time being slow and feel thirsty in Ramadhan month, unfortunately. Well, Alhamdullilah this year I still have my family. I can smell the duit raya and kuih! Yummy! You should be prepare on my duit raya! :D Again, selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin! Sorry if tersakitkan hati, terasa etc. I'm sorry for my wrong doing. I'm sorry. Really sorry. :>

Another story about him.

Assalammualaikum, Hi nama saya Eja. Awak? Kbye. *Jk jk jk* Alhamdullilah, we still in Holly month. I hope all of you will build Iman in this month, because there's only a few day then Syawal will come then. Yesterday, I've was date with Amir. Pretty pity to him cause last night he was sleep late and wake-up early then need to pick me up at Shah Alam and then going back to KL. Rawang -> Shah Alam -> Sg.Wang. Waste money and waste time. I was nervous because I'm shy to meet-up with his younger brother. Here we go, after pick me up. My sister open the door and so surprising his in front of my house. Without give any text or call. Then, I was hiding my face from his brother. I'm shy to the max! Letak barang aku kat belakang kereta dia. He ask me to "masuk in car first", then aku cakap, "No, segan. Kita masuk sesame eh" Berkeras dalam kerete segan nak mati. Adik and gf adik dia ada kat belakang. And I .... Silent. Ahahahah! Sebenarnya, aku tak ...

Sem 5, I'm coming!

Assalammualaikum guys! I do miss my friends! Missing 'em so much especially Amoy :'( There's one day left, then I'll back to study. Tonight after Iftar, I'm heading back to Shah Alam. Miss Shah Alam! Then I've cleaning-up my room. Conform banyak habuk. Get ready for flu and fever. Err, this is not good. Then, taktahu apa activity this semester. Either berbuka bersama dengan classmate or go shopping with them. Jyeah! Im coming back to Unisel! Bye xx

Every breath that I take, I always cherish the time while with you.

Assalammualaikum readers. Kinda happy today. Cause I've meet my Prince charming. Well, so much happen in this few days Alhamdullilah today is my turn to have a date with him. Happy kid to the max! Actually, our planning to meet-up is yesterday then yesterday so much thing need to settle so we were postponing the date.  So here we go, as usual I'm late. Dari lepas subuh aku tak tidur sebab kemas rumah semua bagai. Then nak lelap balik takboleh. Sampai pukul 3 camtuh, I reread last night conversation between me and him. Talk about married life. So funny men. Sampai terlelap. Nak dekat pukul 4 camtuh baru sedar. Bersiap dah berjam. Kesian tunggu lama. Banyak kali tanya "sayang, dah siap belum?" Sorry buat tunggu :"( Once dia dah ambil. Muka Amir akan jadi lain. Sengeh manjang. Ahahha habis comil lah. Hahah. Then dah sampai Pavi, singgah Forever 21. Tapi aku takde mood nak shopping sebab perut aku berbunyik. Then bergerak ke Pizza. Sejam lebih dduk dalam tuh. S...