Hi my blog! Been missing you so much! I miss to updating my blog since im not very I active on this sides I guess. But wte, Alhamdullilah, im officially married to my forever. Its the one who complete my life and been watching my stupid move since 2012 hahaha his name is Mohd Amirul Azman Bin Md Yusof yeah still the one who i always mad to. On 7th April 2012, this is the date that I starting to know him. On 7th October 2018, I been married to the same guy, alhamdullilah syukur! I couldn't ask for more! My life is blessing! Alhamdullilah sekarang aku tengah pregnant, yet still dalam 1 trimester. Aku makan memang untuk dua orang, aku dah kira, setiap 4 atau 5 jam aku akan lapar balik. serious aku cakap. balik kerja aku penat sangat, macam aku keja tuh buat rumah. padahal kerja aku duduk je weh. takde pulak aku kena bergerak banyak. and the worst is, aku tak boleh drive and masuk dalam kerja. mesti aku nak muntah. bangun pagi muntah. celik je mata, aku lapa...