Assalammualikum silent readers!
Bajet macam ramai bace je. Hihik.
Okay, this semester 4 flat. InsyaAllah. No more playing around. Every time I see this picture, I feel pissed off. So, I used this picture to make me more 'open-book'. I mean study. I feel jealous, my classmate got 3.92. So long way to go! But, there's no obstacle to study. If you want to be success, the key is study smart. Well, maybe this time his day, and mine is coming soon. :>
First semester. So skema. Takde lah skema mana. :p
Second semester.
Third semester.
See, changed of fashion. Changed of feeling. And heart also. My mom told me, 'Siapa yang kau tegur dulu, itu lah kawan kau sampai kau habis' And yes, Amoy orang pertama aku tegur dia. Sorry if takde kekawan yang lain. Sebab malas nak edit. Aku ambil gambar lama je.
Type of me is, when I give you a chance and please appreciate it. But from what I see, you don't take an effort to make it better but, more worst. I'm sorry if I being so awkward this lately. I don't know why. The scar still remind so, I'll take a time. Don't worry, friend.
Bye :')