Assalammualaikum people!
Hi, I'm so excited to tell this! I would like to tell you, is about this week is my last week holiday. So, Hi Uniselias! Oh no, need to cleaning up my room. Conform banyak habuk. sebulan babe kena tinggal. =='
And congratulation for those who get dean list for last semester. Good job! Me? Almost there but . . . So, Alhamdullilah. I know only this I can do, so redha. :')
Hi, actually I'm sick. Fever and sore throat is killing me now. So badly. Since last week weh. ==' Bro, wa minum air asam jawa bro. So like (TT.TT) Me don't want drink that again! Ever again!
Actually, today I'm going out with le mom. So happy kids! Er, boleh kira baru berapa kali aku jejak tanah. I mean keluar rumah. Dalam sebulan ni, baru 3 kali aku keluar. Caye? Haa bagus kalau caye. Sbb benda betul. Hihik. So here the pictures of me.
Hi, I'm so excited to tell this! I would like to tell you, is about this week is my last week holiday. So, Hi Uniselias! Oh no, need to cleaning up my room. Conform banyak habuk. sebulan babe kena tinggal. =='
And congratulation for those who get dean list for last semester. Good job! Me? Almost there but . . . So, Alhamdullilah. I know only this I can do, so redha. :')
Hi, actually I'm sick. Fever and sore throat is killing me now. So badly. Since last week weh. ==' Bro, wa minum air asam jawa bro. So like (TT.TT) Me don't want drink that again! Ever again!
Actually, today I'm going out with le mom. So happy kids! Er, boleh kira baru berapa kali aku jejak tanah. I mean keluar rumah. Dalam sebulan ni, baru 3 kali aku keluar. Caye? Haa bagus kalau caye. Sbb benda betul. Hihik. So here the pictures of me.
She ain't pretty :')
I'm so happy if my mom laugh because of my stupid joke. :')
Tomorrow pergi Times Square sebab nak beli baju. Nak masuk sem dah kan. I don't want go there actually. But, ada satu baju yang aku suka ada kat sana. So TERPAKSA!
This Monday gonna start my class and hell yeah, excited a bit. But, I'm little bit disappointed cause I didn't meet up with my old friends. So sad. Tomorrow I have a things to do. Saturday my mom friend wedding so, they invited our family to attend her wedding. Sunday, packing barang. Monday bye Selayang :'(